Magic Q Execute Wing

The MagicQ Execute Wing provides 48 additional Playbacks, consisting of 1 bank of 12 Playbacks with faders and 3 banks of 12 Playbacks with buttons. Each of the 4 banks has separate paging with dedicated Page Up and Page Down buttons.In addition to use as Playbacks, the 72 buttons on the upper section support a multi-purpose 12 by 6 matrix of buttons, all with individual button legending and LEDs, enabling advanced user configuration for control of media servers, moving lights and LED fixtures. Pressing and holding the dedicated MENU button brings up the choice of modes on the middle row of execute buttons. The modes include standard Playbacks, Execute, Media, Heads, Palettes, Cues, Cue Stacks, DMX Test and Head Test. The 6 Page Up and Page Down buttons in the matrix section enable paging and access to advanced functions in each of the modes. Changing of modes is possible at any time at the push of the MENU button – the LCD screens and LEDs immediately change to show the state of the buttons in the new mode whilst remembering the state in the previous modes. Additional modes will be added to the MagicQ software as requested – making this the most flexible control matrix in the lighting industry!